Georges Pludermacher
July 26, 1944
© Eric Manas
Georges Pludermacher is a crusader: an ardent advocate of contemporary music, he has ensured the world premieres of works by Xanakis and Boucourechliev. President of the Arpiano Association, he militates for the revival of the French concert piano. In 1955 Georges Pludermacher began the piano aged three with his aunt and at eleven he was admitted to the Paris Conservatoire where he studied brilliantly with Lucette Descaves, Jacques Fevrier and Geneviève Joy and then with Geza Anda in Lucerne. In 1968, he won the International Competition in Lisbon and in 1969, he was awarded an international prize in Leeds. Consecration came in 1979 in Zurich when he won the International Geza Anda Competition’s sole prize.
His solo career has taken him around the world playing with the most prestigious orchestras. However, at present this discreet and refined artist is noted above all for his chamber music. A partner to the late Nathan Milstein, Ernst Haeffliger, Shlomo Mintz and the best musicians of his generation, he was also the late Christian Ferras’ attentive accomplice. Georges Pludermacher is regularly invited to the festivals of Salzburg, Vienna, Montreux, Aix-en-Provence, Edinburgh, Avignon, Tours, Prades, Florence, Strasbourg, Naples, Barcelona, Madrid... He has performed with the most prestigious conductors like Georg Solti, Pierre Boulez and Christoph von Dohnanyi. In 1967 he was the first to perform Archipel I by Bourcourechliev and Xenakis’ Synaphai in 1971. Georges Pludermacher teaches at the Paris Conservatoire. His discography has won several awards.