
Valentin Malinin


Valentin Malinin was born in 2001. He is now in the 9th grade of the Moscow Central Music School of the Moscow Conservatory (Mira Marchenko’s class). He is a recipient of the Head of Nizhny Novgorod’s 16th International New Names Festival scholarship and the 22nd Interregional New Names Charity Programme Festival scholarship. Malinin has performed with chamber and symphony orchestras on numerous occasions; he has taken part in arts school, cultural, and educational projects, including the All-Russian Sirius Educational Centre (Sochi). He is a prize-winner at various national and international competitions, such as the 23rd International Kabalevsky Young Musicians Competition in Samara, the 6th International Performers & Composers Competition Romanticism: Origins & Prospects (in memory of Elena Gnessina), and the 11th International Young Pianists Competition A Step Towards Mastery (St Petersburg). Malinin frequently performs on tour.

Past events