Carmina Burana by Edward Clug, music by Carl Orff
Maribor Slovene National Theatre Ballet
Edward Clug — Choreographer
Marko Japelj — Set designer
Leo Kulaš — Costume designer
Tomaž Premzl — Lighting
Sergiu Moga — Assistant choreographer
Tijuana Križman Hudernik — Chorégraphe assistante
Nina Dominko — Soprano
Program notes
In this dark, sleekly refined choreography by Edward Clug, experience the legendary Carmina Burana like you've never seen it before: on the ballet stage! In this captivating production, the SNT Maribor Symphony Orchestra and Maribor Opera Chorus (with featured soloists Nina Dominko, Martin Sušnik, and Davor Nekjak), under the baton of Simon Krečič, perform Carl Orff's 20th-century masterpiece to perfection, allowing the dancers' carefully calibrated performances to shine under the spotlight.
Composed in 1935-36, Carl Orff's Carmina Burana is a cantata with texts taken from a 13th-century collection of poetry, with wide-ranging topics including the fickleness of fortune, the transitory pleasures of life, and the danger of vice. Orff selected 24 of these poems and constructed his cantata in such a way as to elaborate a linkage of music, movement, and word that he called theatrum mundi. The contemporary ballet stylings of Edward Clug boldly restage this legendary work, surprising in its stark sobriety and the originality of its production and design.