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Ludwig van Beethoven/Thierry Malandain, Silhouette

Frédéric Chopin/Thierry Malandain, Nocturnes

Antonio Vivaldi/Thierry Malandain, Estro

Silhouette, Nocturnes, and Estro by Thierry Malandain, music by Beethoven, Chopin, and Vivaldi

Malandain Ballet Biarritz



Thierry Malandain — Choreographer


Frederik Deberdt — Dancer


Malandain Ballet Biarritz

Program notes

The inimitable Malandain Ballet Biarritz takes the stage at La Lanterne in Rambouillet, France, for a top-notch trio of ballets choreographed by Thierry Malandain. The triple feature kicks off with the intimate and sensual solo piece Silhouette, set to music from Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 30 in E Major. Dancer Frederik Deberdt shines in the minimalist showcase, by turns frenetic and gentle, and captivating throughout.

Next, the eminent Malandain invites us to rediscover beloved works by Chopin in Nocturnes, in which pianistic acrobatics by the great Franco-Polish composer perfectly accompany the dancers' fluid leaps and graceful contorsions. Finally, the hypnotic Estro closes out the program in a blue-hued, meditative ambiance, with the delicate group choreography executed in flawless harmony to the sounds of Vivaldi's soul-stirring Stabat Mater.

This is just one of many beautiful ballets available on, the web's leading classical music streaming platform!

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