Staff Pick of the Week

By Pauline, video editor at

At this time of year, there's nothing I love more than spending a long evening with friends and family: sitting outside around a candlelit table until late in the evening, talking about everything and nothing, our sense of time drifting away in the summer breeze. In those moments, the night stretches out before us with infinite promise… It's an electric feeling that's hard to come by elsewhere, except when listening to flamenco music.

This week I'm thrilled to share a film that recreates that magic atmosphere. Rocío Molina and Yerai Cortés put their incredible artistic abilities on full display, showing us the power of flamenco as they communicate wordlessly with a magnetic rapport, never losing an ounce of control over their instruments (the human body for Molina, and the guitar for Cortés) for nearly ninety physical minutes. The simple sets allow the two performers to take up the entire space, bathed in warm colored lights. On one of these long summer evenings, join me in revisiting this incredible moment of music, dance, and human connection…