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Maurice Ravel, Ma mère l'Oye (Mother Goose)

I. Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant – Lent

II. Petit Poucet – Très modéré

III. Laideronnette, Impératrice des Pagodes – Mouvement de marche

IV. Les entretiens de la Belle et de la Bête – Mouvement de valse très modéré

V. Le Jardin féerique – Lent et grave

Claude Debussy, Ibéria (Images pour orchestre No. 2)

1. Par les rues et par les chemins

2. Les parfums de la nuit

3. Le matin d'un jour de fête

Claude Debussy, La Mer, trois esquisses symphoniques pour orchestre

1. De l'aube à midi sur la mer (From dawn to noon on the sea)

2. Jeux de vagues (Play of the waves)

3. Dialogue du vent et de la mer (Dialogue of the wind and the sea)

Charles Munch conducts Debussy and Ravel

Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1958-1961



Program notes

From 1958 to 1961, some of the earliest televised concerts with the Boston Symphony Orchestra and their Music Director, Charles Munch.

Celebrated for his performances of French music, Munch was an authority on the works featured on this DVD, all of which were composed during his lifetime. More than fifty years later, his recordings of French music remain a permanent standard of reference.

Musical Programme:

  • Maurice Ravel, Ma Mère l'Oye – Suite
    Recorded: Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, 4 February 1958
  • Claude Debussy, Ibéria
    Recorded: Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, 31 October 1961
  • Claude Debussy, La Mer
    Recorded: Sanders Theater, Harvard University, 28 October 1958

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