Edgar Moreau, Raphaëlle Moreau, David Moreau, and Jérémie Moreau play Rachmaninov, Handel, and Beethoven
Concert behind closed doors
Raphaëlle Moreau — Violinist
David Moreau — Violinist
Edgar Moreau — Cellist
Jérémie Moreau — Pianist
Program notes
Led by renowned virtuoso cellist Edgar, the astonishingly musical Moreau family takes the stage at the Fondation Singer-Polignac for a spirited century-spanning soirée! Edgar, Raphaëlle, David, and Jérémie Moreau kick off their G-minor gala with the unsettling melancholy of Rachmaninov’s Trio élégiaque No. 1 before turning to the delicate melodies and tumultuous arpeggios of Handel’s Passacaglia (in Halvorsen's arrangement). The multitalented family orchestra then ends the evening in high style with Beethoven’s beloved Cello Sonata No. 2.
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Edgar Moreau appears courtesy of Warner Classics/Erato.