
The Berliner Philharmoniker's 2015 Europakonzert — Athens

With Sir Simon Rattle and Leonidas Kavakos

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Program notes

Enjoy the Berliner Philharmoniker's 2015 Europakonzert, which took the renowned orchestra to Athens, Greece with Sir Simon Rattle and virtuoso violinist Leonidas Kavakos!

The evening starts with the delightful Overture from Rossini’s Semiramide. Then it's Kavakos's turn to take the stage for Sibelius’s Violin Concerto in D minor, the only concerto by the Finnish maestro and a brilliant display of his compositional range, with ethereal solo violin calls meeting epic orchestral responses, a balance characteristic of the Sibelius style which finds an ideal exponent in Kavakos. (Don't miss the violinist's gorgeous encore, the Largo from Bach’s enchanting Violin Sonata No. 3 in C major!) Sir Simon and the Berlin Phil conclude with the majestic Symphony No. 3 by Schumann, also known as the Rhenish as it was composed in Düsseldorf, a city crossed by the river Rhine.

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