Evgeny Kissin — Pianist
Program notes
A star of the Russian piano world, Evgeny Kissin has been a regular guest of the Verbier Festival since its beginning in 1994.
Since his extraordinary debut as a child of twelve playing Chopin in Moscou with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Dimitri Kitaenko, Evgeny Kissin has become one of the greatest pianists of his generation. Perfect virtuosity and lyric musicality combined with incredible charm have made the artist into a worldwide phenomenon, whose recitals fill concert halls the world over to bursting.
In this evening’s concert, Kissin performs works for solo piano written by two of the artist’s favorite composers, Schubert and Liszt. Performing with incredible energy, Kissin presented Schubert’s Quatre impromptus and La Truite along with Liszt’s Rhapsodies hongroises and twelve Transcendental Études.
Photo: Evgeny Kissin © Aline Paley