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Stanislaw Moniuszko, Bajka

Frédéric Chopin, Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11

1. Allegro maestoso

2. Romance: Larghetto

3. Rondeau: Vivace

Frédéric Chopin, Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Minor, Op. 21

1. Maestoso

2. Larghetto

3. Allegro vivace

Frédéric Chopin, Mazurka in C-sharp Minor, Op. 50 No. 3

Garrick Ohlsson plays Chopin, Piano Concertos

Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra



Garrick Ohlsson — Pianist

Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra — Orchestra

Antoni Wit — Conductor

Program notes

Garrick Ohlsson and Antoni Wit celebrate Chopin.

Admired for his architectural and powerful interpretations of Johannes Brahms, Garrick Ohlsson proves once again his strength and endurance while performing on the same evening the two Chopin concertos. If his persuasion can be admired as well as risk taking and his ardor, it shouldn't however overshadow his delicate phrasing, the variety of his skills and his gift for round and lyrical sonorities.

Great specialist of polish music from its origins to our times, Antoni Witt won't be satisfied for being only an accompaniement. Along with the Warsaw Orchestra, he colors each passage et allows for two very supple concertos.The two performers wondrously retrace the young Chopin's fire before his exile, as well as his maddening virtuosity and his marvelous audacity.

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