Lahav Shani conducts and performs Bach and Bruckner
Munich Philharmonic: 2024-25 season opener
Lahav Shani — Conductor, pianist
Program notes
The magnificent Munich Philharmonic and Chief Conductor Designate Lahav Shani (who will officially take the role in 2026) open their 2024-25 season with a grand and elegant duo of Bach and Bruckner, just in time for the latter's 200th birthday! Shani, the multi-talented maestro who is also a world-class pianist, opens the concert at the piano with Bach's Keyboard Concerto in D Minor, BWV 1052, one of the stateliest and most thrilling pieces by the Baroque master. After the break, Shani takes to the podium to conduct the final symphony by one of history's great symphonists, nearly 200 years to the day after his birth: Though the intended fourth movement was incomplete at the composer's death, Bruckner's Ninth remains one of his most beloved and most often performed works, dedicated to God and suffused with monumental, even holy, character.
Photo © Co Merz