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Agostino Steffani, I trionfi del fato

II, 14: Duet. Combatton quest'alma

Agostino Steffani, Niobe, regina di Tebe

I, 13: Sfere amiche, or date al labbro

III, 1: Amami, e vederai

Agostino Steffani, Stabat Mater

I. Stabat Mater dolorosa

Agostino Steffani, La libertà contenta

II, 9: Svenati, struggiti, combatti, suda

Agostino Steffani, La superbia d’Alessandro

I, 8: Tra le guerre e le vittorie

Agostino Steffani, Niobe, regina di Tebe

I, 13: Recitative. Dell'alma stanca a raddolcir le tempre

II, 10: Recitative and duet. All'impero divino divota … T’abbraccio, mia Diva … Ti stringo, mio Nume

I, 23: Recitative and duet. Serena, o mio bel sole … Mia fiamma … Mio ardore

Agostino Steffani, Tassilone

V, 5: Deh non far colle tue lagrime

V, 5: Deh non far colle tue lagrime

Agostino Steffani, La superbia d’Alessandro

I, 15: Non prendo consiglio

Agostino Steffani, La lotta d’Hercole con Acheloo

Scene 7: La cerasta più terribile

Agostino Steffani, Niobe, regina di Tebe

II, 5: Recitative and aria. Ove son? Chi m'aita? In mezzo all'ombre ... Dal mio petto

Agostino Steffani, La libertà contenta

II, 13: Notte amica al cieco Dio

Agostino Steffani, Marco Aurelio

III, 15: Non si parli che di fede

Agostino Steffani, La superbia d’Alessandro

III: Luci ingrate

Agostino Steffani, Alarico il Baltha, cioè L'audace re de' Gothi

II, 14: Palpitanti sfere belle

Cecilia Bartoli sings Mission: Newly discovered opera arias by Agostino Steffani

With Philippe Jaroussky, Diego Fasolis, and I Barrocchisti



Cecilia Bartoli — Mezzo-soprano

Philippe Jaroussky — Countertenor

Coro della Radiotelevisione Svizzera

I Barocchisti

Diego Fasolis — Harpsichordist, organist, conductor

Program notes

Cecilia Bartoli unearths a spellbinding selection of arias ranging from the explosively energetic ("Svenati, struggiti, combatti") to the ethereally beautiful ("Sfere amiche"), all by Agostino Steffani—"a forgotten genius," according to the beloved diva, "who's been overlooked for far too long." The Roman mezzo-soprano, who possesses one of the most spectacular voices of our time—as well as superhuman lung capacity, incredible vocal agility, and stunning expressivity—is also a champion of lesser-known repertoire, bringing to light composers like Steffani, a singer, instrumentalist, diplomat, and Venetian bishop of the Baroque period.

With the impeccable musicians of period orchestra I Barrocchisti under Diego Fasolis, as well as a special appearance by renowned countertenor Philippe Jaroussky, Steffani's music resonates grandly—as if for the very first time—amid the marbled and golden opulence of the Palace of Versailles. This dazzling audiovisual production is a prime example of the boldness, willingness to take risks, and faultless vocal prowess that have won the virtuosic Bartoli such a singular and brilliant career. - Back to

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