
Carl Nielsen – Between heaven and earth

A Documentary by Magdalena Zięba-Schwind

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Danish National Symphony Orchestra

Fabio Luisi — Conductor

Danish String Quartet

Herbert Blomstedt

Tue Hoé — Actor

Program notes

Discover the magnificent portrait of a composer who was both a genius and a friend to all, as if he lived between heaven and earth: Carl Nielsen.

Narrator Mathias Hammer takes us on a musical and psychological journey into Nielsen’s mind. For Hammer, Nielsen's music is a reflection of his soul: “Through Carl Nielsen's music, you get so close to the person and the artist.” The Danish prodigy was a simple man, but not without his own contradictions. He could laugh in one moment and become serious in the next, and this manifests in his music: “His music is full of contrasts. What characterizes Carl Nielsen is the change between light and darkness, between major and minor, and then somehow you end up with a smile in the end”

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