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Musicians in Morocco

World music



Leonidas Antonopoulos — Interviewer

Youssou N'dour

Arto Tunçboyacıyan

Fateh Salamah

Elika et Solo

Program notes

One of the best kept secrets of music is revealed by World Music: the Gnaoua and World Music Festival in Morocco, with a view of the Atlantic and the traditional "gnaoua," music full of symbolism, tension and entrancement.

Leonidas Antonopoulos meets with great musicians like Youssou N'Dour and experiences the unique atmosphere of a festival that turns the picturesque port of Essaouira into a party zone that lets itself go along the groove of musical meetings between Moroccan gnaoua musicians and international artists such as the virtuoso Armenian percussionist Arto Tuncboyaciyan, innovative Egyptian composer Fateh Salamah and the award-winning duet of Elika from Sweden and Solo from Senegal. - Back to

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