
Rivalry in Music: Schoenberg vs. Stravinsky

A film by Sylvie Kürsten

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Laura Wilkinson — Narrator

Enzo Restagno

Patricia Kopatchinskaja

Alex Ross

Nuria Schoenberg Nono

Reto Bieri

Arnold Schoenberg

Igor Stravinsky

Program notes

Two opposing personalities, and two contrasting visions of modernity… What began with a courteous encounter between two of the most enlightened minds of the early 20th century gradually developed into a legendary rivalry. Composers Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky both revolutionized music, the former with the development of his ingenious twelve-tone system, the latter with harmony and rhythm of an unparalleled intensity. Discover the singular careers of these two artists who, with the advantage of retrospect, appear to us now as near-diametrical opposites in terms of style and philosophy.

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