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Sounds of the Sidewalk On the Road (IV/IV)

A documentary series about virtuosos in the street – Light In Babylon



Light in Babylon

Program notes

You can find them standing in walkways, in front of bars or in the Paris metro, playing rock music, classical, Latin American or Caribbean rhythms on the world’s largest public stage: the street. This series Sounds of the Sidewalk is dedicated to street musicians in Europe "on the road" with buskers, artists of life, dropouts, and virtuosos. In this format, stories of talents and the characters behind them are found on the street.

In this fourth and last episode, the trio Light in Babylon, composed of three artists from Israel, France and Turkey perform in the streets of Istanbul.

You can find them standing in walkways, in front of bars or in the Paris metro, playing rock music, classical, Latin American or Caribbean rhythms on the world’s largest public stage: the street. This series Sounds of the Sidewalk is dedicated to street musicians in Europe "on the road" with buskers, artists of life, dropouts, and virtuosos. In this format, stories of talents and the characters behind them are found on the street. Season one features the discovery of singer-songwriter Felix Meyer and band in a German pedestrian zone and how French buskers audition to become "The Musicians of the Paris Metro". It tells about the Israeli-French-Turkish trio Light in Babylon performing freedom lyrics in the heated streets of Istanbul and portrays political bard Klaus the violinist. - Back to

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