Denis Plassard — Choreographer
Anne Toore-Reydelet — Choreographer
Abou Lagraa — Choreographer
Guy Darmet — Artistic Director
Program notes
This documentary takes you to the creative world of the biggest dance parade in Europe: the Lyon Dance Biennial.
This famous dance parade, born of the collaboration of local actors (social equipments, associations, local authorities…) mobilizes between 150 and 500 amateur performers as well as professional artistic teams under the direction of choreographers. Created by Guy Darmet in 1984, the Lyon Dance Biennial takes place on even-numbered years in Lyon, and co-produces many shows each year.
Directed by Charles Picq in 2000, this documentary focuses on the ninth edition of the "défilé," on the Silk Road theme. On top of being a festive event, the Défilé brings together a large part of the Lyon community, of all ages and of all ways of life. From India to the Croix-Rousse, from French Ardeche villages to the steppes of Mongolia, the adventure shows 800 artists, 17 places of the city of Lyon full of dance and spirituality, as well as 79 000 spectators discovering Chinese classical dance, shadow theatre, Japanese Kabuki and creations by young Asian choreographers, surprisingly very modern.