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Nubya Garcia/Jake Long, Osiris

Jake Long/Nubya Garcia/Shirley Tetteh, The Night Trance

Jake Long, Improvisation

Jake Long/Nubya Garcia/Shirley Tetteh, Eaglehurst / The Palace

Maisha in La Villette

Jazz à la Villette 2019



Jake Long — Drummer, electronics

Nubya Garcia — Saxophonist

Artie Zaitz — Electric guitar

Amané Suganami — Electric keyboard

Twm Dylan — Bass guitarist

Tim Doyle — Flutist, drummer

Program notes

Meet Maisha for an inspiring concert at the famed Grande Halle de La Villette, during which the band treats its audience to their trademark phases of hypnotic and spiritual jazz, mixed with afrobeat elements borrowed from the Western African music tradition, a truly enthralling and captivating experience.

Since its creation in 2016, Maisha, headed by drummer Jake Long, has reached the forefront of the UK's new jazz scene. The artistic collective immerse us in the warm and soothing atmospheres of masterworks of the 1960s by such artists as Pharoah Sanders and Alice Coltrane. - Back to

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