Mozart's Bastien und Bastienne and Der Schauspieldirektor
Thomas Reichert (stage director), Elisabeth Fuchs (conductor) — With Evmorfia Metaxaki (Bastienne 1), Aleksandra Zamojska (Bastienne 2) and Bernhard Berchtold (Bastien)
Thomas Reichert — Stage director, costume designer
Pierre Monnerat — Sculptor
Korbinian Schmidt — Assistant stage director
Evmorfia Metaxaki — Bastienne 1 / Mademoiselle Silberklang
Aleksandra Zamojska — Bastienne 2 / Madame Herz
Bernhard Berchtold — Bastien / Monsieur Vogelsang
Radu Cojocariu — Colas / Buff
Program notes
Discover two Mozart's Singspiele at the 2006 Salzburg Festival! The first, Bastien und Bastienne, derives inspiration from a one-act interlude by Rousseau, called The Village Soothsayer, and recounts the love story of two shepherds who are challenged by a character named Colas. The plot of the second singspiel, Der Schauspieldirektor, is centred around Frank, an impresario who wishes to recruit members to form a new theatrical troupe...
Stage director Thomas Reichert reimagines these two operas in an innovative and original setting: the celebrated Salzburg Marionette Theatre. He had the excellent idea of combining the two operas, instead of having them performed one after the other. By using two Bastiennes instead of one, he puts himself into the shoes of the impresario of the second singspiel, and shows that it is sometimes difficult to decide between two artists. Two superb sopranos, Evmorfia Metaxaki and Aleksandra Zamojska, compete for the role of Bastienne and offer us a beautiful interpretation, enriched by the great mastery of puppet movements!
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