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Vincenzo Bellini, I Puritani

Introduction: Sinfonia

I: "All'erte ! all'erta !"

I: "Quando la tromba squilla"

I: "O di Cromvel guerrieri"

I: "A festa!"

I: "Or dove fuggo io mai?"

I: "Ah! per sempre io ti perdei" (Riccardo)

I: "T'appellan le schiere..."

I: "O amato zio, o mio secondo padre!"

I: "Sposa! No, mai!"

I: "Chi mosse a' miei desir il genitor?"

I: "Odi! Qual suon si desta?"

I: "Ad Arturo onore"

I: "A te, o cara, amor talora"

I: "Oh nobil dama!"

I: "E tardi!"

I: "Son vergin vezzosa"

I: "Ferma, ah ferma! Invan rapir pretendi"

I: "Se il destino a te m'invola, o mia Elvira"

I: "E già al ponte…"

I: "Ah vieni al tempio fedele Arturo…"

I: "Ma tu già mi fuggi?"

II: "Ah, dolor ! ah terror…"

II: "E di morte lo stral non sarà lento"

II: "O rendetemi la speme… Qui la voce sua soave"

II: "Ah tu sorridi…"

II: "Torno il riso sul suo aspetto"

II: "Vien diletto, è in ciel la luna"

II: "Il rival salvar tu dêi"

II: "Riccardo! Riccardo!"

II: "Forse dell'alba al sorgere"

III: "Qual suon? ... A una fonte afflitto e solo"

III: "Corre a valle, corre a monte l'esiliato pellegrin"

III: "Nel mirarti un solo istante"

III: "Da quel di ch’io ti mirai"

III: "Tua crudel dubbiezza amara"

III: "Ancor s'ascolta questo suon molesto !"

III: "Cavalier, ti colse il Dio"

III: "Credeasi, misera"

III: "Suon d'araldi?"

Bellini's I Puritani

Francisco Negrín (stage director), Giuliano Carella (conductor) – With Mariola Cantarero (Elvira) and John Osborn (Lord Arturo Talbo)... – Het Muziektheater



Francisco Negrín — Stage director

Es Devlin — Set designer

Louis Désiré — Costume designer

Bruno Poet — Lighting designer

Mariola Cantarero — Elvira

John Osborn — Lord Arturo Talbot

Scott Hendricks — Sir Riccardo Forth

Program notes

I Puritani by Bellini was staged by Francisco Negrín at Het Muziektheater in Amsterdam in 2009, with Mariola Cantarero, John Osborn and the Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest, conducted by Giuliano Carella.

I Puritani (The Puritans) is an opera in three acts by Bellini, based on a libretto by Count Pepoli and first performed at the Italian Theatre in Paris in 1835. The plot takes place in 1659 in England, during the Civil War. In a fortress near Plymouth, Lord Walton is a partisan of Cromwell and wants his daughter, Elvira, to marry Sir Richard Forth, a fellow Cromwell supporter. But Elvira is in love with Lord Talbot, a knight and supporter of the Stuarts... This impossible romance will drive Elvira to madness.

The staging by Francisco Negrín evokes a male-dominated world. Es Devlin created the metal scenery, which is an allusion to soldiers' armour, while Louis Désiré put together a combination of historical and more modern costumes. Conductor Giuliano Carella conducts the Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest and choirmaster Martin Wright leads the Koor Van De Nederlandse Opera. American tenor John Osborn, who won first prize at Plácido Domingo's Operalia Competition in 1996, plays Lord Talbot, a supporter of the Stuarts. Soprano Mariola Cantarero plays Elvira, the young woman whose love drives her to madness.

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