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Vincenzo Bellini, La Sonnambula


I, 1: "Viva, viva Amina"

I, 1: "Tutto è gioia, tutto è festa"

I, 1: "Care compagne, e voi teneri amici"

I, 1: "Sovra il sen la man' mi posa"

I, 1: "Io più di tutti, o Amina"

I, 1: "Perdona, o mia diletta, il breve indugio"

I, 1: "Prendi: l'anel ti dono"

I, 1: "Ah, vorrei trovar le parole"

I, 1: "Domani, appena aggiorni"

I, 1: "Vi ravviso, o luoghi ameni" (Rodolfo)

I, 1: "Contezza del paese avete voi, Signor?"

I, 1: "A fosco cielo, a notte bruna"

I, 1: "Basta così"

I, 1: "Son geloso del zefiro errante"

I, 2: "Davver, non mi dispiace"

I, 2: "Che veggio?"

I, 2: "O Ciel! che tento?"

I, 2: "Osservate : l'uscio è aperto"

I, 2: "È menzogna"

I, 2: "D'un pensiero e d'un accento"

I, 2: "Non più nozze"

Act II

II, 1: "Qui la selva è più folta ed ombrosa"

II, 1: "Reggimi, o buona madre"

II, 1: "Vedi, o madre... è afflitto e mesto"

II, 1: "Viva il conte!"

II, 1: "Ah! Perché non posso odiarti"

II, 2: "Lasciami: avver compreso assai dovresti"

II, 2: "De' lieti auguri a voi son grata"

II, 2: "E fia pur vero, Elvino"

II, 2: "Lisa! mendace anch'essa!"

II, 2: "Signor? Che creder deggio?"

II, 2: "Oh! Se una volta sola"

II, 2: "Ah, non credea mirarti"

II, 2: "Ah! Non giunge uman pensiero"

Bellini's La Sonnambula

Jaco Van Dormael (stage director), Giampaolo Bisanti (conductor) — With Jessica Pratt (Amina), René Barbera (Elvino) ...



Jaco Van Dormael — Stage director

Michèle Anne De Mey — Choreographer, stage director

Vincent Lemaire — Set designer

Fernand Ruiz — Costume designer

Nicolas Olivier — Lighting designer

Giacinto Caponio — Video

Jessica Pratt — Amina

Program notes

Live from the Opéra Royal de Wallonie in Liège, Belgium, fall in love with Bellini's bel canto masterpiece La Sonnambula (The Sleepwalker) in a visually captivating new production by award-winning film director Jaco Van Dormael! Under the baton of renowned conductor Giampaolo Bisanti, the house's world-class orchestra and choir interpret the sublime score, the setting for some of the crown jewels of the opera repertoire, especially the soprano aria "Ah! Non credea mirarti."

In a peaceful Swiss village, the townsfolk are joyfully preparing to celebrate the marriage of a young couple, Amina (played by the marvelous Jessica Pratt) and Elvino (an excellent René Barbera). A stranger arrives on scene who turns out to be Count Rodolfo, long-lost son of the local castle's former lord. That night in the inn, he begins flirting with the proprietress Lisa, but they are interrupted by a sleepwalking Amina… Mistaking the count for her fiancé, she sings her love for him and reclines on his bed. Rodolfo escapes but the townsfolk discover Amina in his room and rumors of her infidelity begin to fly, quickly reaching Elvino, who is disinclined to believe that Amina was truly sleepwalking. Will the young woman succeed in winning back the trust of her betrothed? Find out in this superb staging by Van Dormael and Michèle Anne De Mey!

Photo © Jonathan Berger - ORW

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