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Giuseppe Verdi, I Masnadieri


I: "Quando io leggo in Plutarco" (Recitative)

I: "O mio castel paterno" (Aria)

I: "Nell argilla maledetta" (Aria)

I: "Vecchio! Spiccai da te quell'odiato primogenito tuo!" (Recitative)

I: "La sua lampada vitale" (Aria)

I: "Tremate, o miseri" (Aria)

I: "Venerabile, o padre" (Recitative)

I: "Lo sguardo avea degli angeli" (Aria)

I: "Mio Carlo … Ei sogna" (Recitative)

I: "Un messaggero di trista novella" (Recitative)

I: "Sul capo mio colpevole" (Quartet)

II: "Dall'infame banchetto io m'involai" (Recitative, chorus)

II: "Tu del mio Carlo al seno" (Aria)

II: "Carlo vive? O caro accento" (Aria)

II: "Perchè fuggisti al canto del festivo convito?" (Recitative)

II: "Io t'amo Amalia" (Duet)

II: "Tutti quest'oggi le mani in mano" (Chorus)

II: "Come splendido e grande il sol tramonta!" (Recitative)

II: "Di ladroni attorniato" (Aria)

II: "Capitano, noi siamo cerchiati" (Chorus)

III: "Dio, ti ringrazio!" (Recitative)

III: "Le rube, gli stupri, gl'incendi, le morti" (Chorus)

III: "Ben giunto, o capitano" (Recitative)

III: "Un ignoto, tre lune or saranno" (Aria)

III: "Destatevi, o pietre! … Che fu? Chi n'assale?" (Recitative)

IV: "Tradimento! … Risorgono i defunti!" (Recitative)

IV: "Pareami che sorto da lauto convito" (Aria)

IV: "Armata la prima d'un codice" (Aria)

IV: "M'hai chiamato in quest'ora a farti giuoco" (Recitative)

IV: "Francesco! Mio figlio!" (Recitative)

IV: "Come il bacio d'un padre" (Duet)

IV: "Qui son essi? … Capitano!" (Recitative)

IV: "Caduto è il reprobo!" (Trio)

Verdi's I Masnadieri

David McVicar (stage director), Michele Mariotti (conductor) — With Lisette Oropesa (Amalia), Michele Pertusi (Massimiliano), Fabio Sartori (Carlo), Massimo Cavalletti (Francesco) ...



David McVicar — Stage director

Charles Edwards — Set designer

Brigitte Reiffenstuel — Costumes designer

Adam Silverman — Lighting designer

Jo Meredith — Choreographer

Lisette Oropesa — Amalia

Michele Pertusi — Massimiliano

Program notes

Between the 1860s and 1950s, Verdi's I Masnadieri (The Bandits) fell into obscurity for nearly a century. After decades of increasingly acclaimed revivals, it arrived at the most legendary of all opera houses in this 2019 production by the provocative director David McVicar—which notably features the La Scala debut of the sensational Lisette Oropesa, praised for her "magnificent silvery voice, beautiful vibrato and impeccable coloratura" alongside the "noble vocal presence and intensity" of Michele Pertusi (Bachtrack). Verdi's gorgeous score resounds majestically under the baton of Michele Mariotti, ably leading the storied orchestra of La Scala.

I Masnadieri follows Carlo (an excellent Fabio Sartori), son of Count Massimiliano (Pertusi), who has fallen in with a gang of notorious thieves and finds himself torn between his new gang and his peaceful former life with his betrothed, Amalia (Oropesa). His attempts at reconciliation are undone by the machinations of his brother Francesco (Massimo Cavalletti), who wishes to inherit their father's title—leading to tragic results...

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