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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Mitridate, re di Ponto, K. 87/74a

I: Overture

I: "Vieni, signor?" (Arbate, Sifare)

I: "Se a me s'unisce Arbate" (Sifare, Aspasia)

I: "Al destin, che la minaccia" (Aspasia)

I: "Qual tumulto nell'alma" (Sifare)

I: "Soffre il mio cor con pace" (Sifare)

I: "Sin a quando, o regina" (Sifare, Farnace, Aspasia, Arbate)

I: "L'odio nel cor frenate" (Arbate)

I: "Principe, che facemmo!" (Farnace, Sifare, Aspasia)

I: "Nel sen mi palpita" (Aspasia)

I: "Un tale addio, germano" (Farnace, Sifare)

I: "Eccovi in un momento" (Farnace, Marzio)

I: "Venga pur, minacci e frema" (Farnace)

I: Marcia

I: "Se di lauri il crine adorno" (Mitridate)

I: "Tu mi rivedi, Arbate" (Mitridate, Ismene, Arbate)

I: "Sulla temuta destra" (Sifare, Mitridate, Farnace, Ismene)

I: "In faccia all'oggetto" (Ismene)

I: "Teme Ismene a ragion" (Mitridate, Arbate)

I: "Respira alfin, respira" (Mitridate)

I: "Quel ribelle, e quell'ingrato" (Mitridate)

II: "Questo è l'amor, Farnace" (Ismene, Farnace)

II: "Va', l'error mio palesa" (Farnace)

II: "Perfido, ascolta" (Ismene, Mitridate)

II: "Eccomi a' cenni tuoi" (Aspasia, Mitridate)

II: "Dille, che tema" (Mitridate)

II: "Tu, che fedel" (Mitridate)

II: "Che dirò? Che ascoltai?" (Sifare, Aspasia)

II: "Oh giorno di dolore" (Aspasia, Sifare)

II: "Non più regina" (Sifare)

II: "Lungi da te, mio bene" (Sifare)

II: "Grazie ai numi partì" (Aspasia)

II: "Nel grave tormento" (Aspasia)

II: "Qui, dove la vendetta" (Mitridate, Sifare, Farnace)

II: "Signor, son io" (Marzio, Mitridate, Sifare)

II: "Ah, giacché son tradito" (Farnace)

II: "Son reo; l'error confesso" (Farnace)

II: "E crederai, signor" (Sifare, Mitridate, Aspasia)

II: "Già di pietà mi spoglio" (Mitridate)

II: "Ah mia regina" (Sifare, Aspasia)

II: "Io sposa di quel mostro" (Aspasia, Sifare)

II: "Se viver non degg'io" (Sifare, Aspasia)

III: "Pera omai chi m'oltraggia" (Mitridate, Ismene)

III: "So quanto a te dispiace" (Ismene)

III: "Il tuo furore" (Aspasia, Mitridate)

III: "Mio re, t'affretta" (Arbate, Mitridate)

III: "Vado incontro al fato estremo" (Mitridate)

III: "Lagrime intempestive" (Aspasia)

III: "Ah ben ne fui presaga" (Aspasia)

III: "Che fai, regina?" (Sifare, Aspasia)

III: "Che mi val questa vita" (Sifare)

III: "Se 'l rigor d'ingrata sorte" (Sifare)

III: "Sorte crudel" (Farnace)

III: "Teco i patti" (Marzio, Farnace)

III: "Se di regnar sei vago" (Marzio)

III: "Vadasi... Oh ciel, ma dove" (Farnace)

III: "Già dagli occhi il velo è tolto" (Farnace)

III: "Figlio, amico, non più" (Mitridate)

III: "Numi, qual nuova è questa" (Mitridate)

III: "Non si ceda al Campidoglio" (Sifare, Aspasia, Farnace, Ismene, Arbate)

Mozart's Mitridate, Re di Ponto

Satoshi Miyagi (stage director), Marc Minkowski (conductor) — With Pene Pati (Mitridate), Ana María Labin (Aspasia), Angela Brower (Sifare)...



Satoshi Miyagi — Stage director

Junpei Kiz — Set designer

Eri Fukazawa — Set designer

Kayo Takahashi Deschene — Costumes designer

Irene Selka — Lighting

Yu Otagaki — Choreographer

Detlef Giese — Dramaturgy

Program notes

The Berlin State Opera breathes new life into this paean to freedom, under the bold artistic direction of Satoshi Miyagi (with set design by Junpei Kiz and costumes by Kayo Takahashi Deschene), who transposes the story to preindustrial Japan. The result is a sparkling triumph in the spirit of kabuki theatre, spotlighting the talent of the remarkable cast including tenor Pene Pati in the title role and Ana Maria Labin as Aspasia, resplendent in this drama whose stakes transcend the bounds of history and become universal.

In the first century B.C., when the people of the Mediterranean had all fallen under the rule of the Roman Empire, one sovereign dared to resist the invasion: Mithridates, King of Pontus. Nearly two thousand years later, a prodigious 14-year-old named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart decided to stage the epic drama of Mithridates for the opera stage, inspired by Parini’s Italian translation of the play by Racine. The work’s success seemed assured, with the original Sifare, Pietro Benedetti, quipping to Leopold Mozart that he would allow himself to be castrated all over again if it failed—but that did not come to pass, as audiences immediately took to this youthful masterpiece—which resounds impeccably in the hands of Les Musiciens du Louvre under the baton of their celebrated founder, Marc Minkowski.

Photo © Bernd Uhlig

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