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Richard Wagner, Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90

I: Vorspiel (Prelude)

I, 1: "Westwärts schweift der Blick"

I, 2: "Frisch weht der Wind der Heimat zu"

I, 2: "Hab'acht, Tristan!"

I, 3; "Weh! ach wehe! Dies zu dulden!"

I, 3: "Wie lachend sie mir Lieder singen"

I, 3: "O blinde Augen! Blöde Herzen!"

I, 3: "Welcher Wahn! Welch'eitles Zümen!"

I, 3: "Kennst du der Mutter Künste nicht?"

I, 4: "Auf! Auf! Ihr Frauen!"

I, 4: "Herrn Tristan bringe meinen Gruss"

I, 4: "Hörtest du nicht? Hier bleib'ich"

I, 5: "Begehrt, Herrin, was ihr wünscht"

I, 5: "Da du so sittsam, mein Herr Tristan"

I, 5: "War Morold dir so wert"

I, 5: "Des Schweigens Herrin heisst mich schweigen"

I, 5: "Tristan!...Isolde!"

II: Vorspiel

II, 1: "Hörst du Sie noch?"

II, 1: "Dem Freund zu lieb"

II, 2: "Isolde! Geliebte! - Tristan! Geliebter!"

II, 2: "Getäuscht von ihm"

II, 2: "O sink hernieder, Nacht der Liebe"

II, 2: "Lausch', Geliebter!"

II, 2: "Doch, unsre Liebe"

II, 2: "So starben wir"

II, 2: "O ew'ge Nacht, süsse Nacht!"

II, 3: "Rette dich, Tristan!"

II, 3: "Tatest du's wirklich?"

II, 3: "Dies wundervolle Weib"

II, 3: "O König, das kann ich dir nicht sagen"

II, 3: "Verräter! Ha! Zur Rache, König!"

III: Vorspiel

III, 1: Kurwenal! He!"

III, 1: "Die alte Weise; was weckt sie mich?"

III, 1: "Hei nun! Wie du kamst?"

III, 1: "Wi ich erwatch, weilt'ich nicht"

III, 1: "Noch losch das Licht nicht aus"

III, 1: "Noch ist kein Schiff zu sehn!"

III, 1: "Die nie erstirbt, sehnend nun ruft"

III, 1: "Bist du nun tot?"

III, 1: "O Wonne! Freude!"

III, 2: "O diese Sonne!"

III, 2: «Ich bin's, ich bin's»

III, 3: "Kurwenal! Hör!"

III, 3: "Mild und leise wie er lächelt" (Liebestod)

Wagner's Tristan und Isolde

With Klaus Florian Vogt (Tristan) and Camilla Nylund (Isolde) — Conducted by Christian Thielemann at the Semperoper Dresden



Dagmar Niefind-Marelli — Costumes designer

Friedewalt Degen — Lighting designer

Alexander Bülow — Stage music

Klaus Florian Vogt — Tristan

Camilla Nylund — Isolde

Georg Zeppenfeld — Marke, King of Cornwall

Martin Gantner — Kurwenal

Program notes

One of the greatest operas ever composed reaches "a new level of excellence" (Seen and Heard International) at the Dresden Semperoper! Wagner's medieval-inspired Tristan und Isolde depicts the tragic and torrid love story of the titular duo, performed to perfection by two Wagnerian experts: tenor Klaus Florian Vogt, already renowned for his turns in Lohengrin and Parsifal, and soprano Camilla Nylund, fresh from a rapturously received Brünnhilde in Götterdämmerung in Zürich.

On the legendary stage of the Semperoper—which saw the first performances of Tannhäuser and The Flying Dutchman, and where Wagner himself once served as music director for the Dresden Staatskapelle—this striking production, after the classic 1995 staging by Marco Arturo Marelli, plunges us headlong into this epic romance. Bound for Ireland, where she has been promised to King Marke (a superb Georg Zeppenfeld), Isolde initially bears hatred and resentment for Tristan, who killed her previous fiancé. But when the pair fall under the spell of a love potion, their lamentable fate is sealed… The intrigue unfolds in blue-tinted mystery amid starkly lit and sharply angular sets, a poetic accompaniment to Wagner's score—conducted by the great Christian Thielemann and performed by a world-class cast, revolutionary from the first chord…

Photo © Semperoper Dresden / Ludwig Olah

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