Trilogía sobre la guitarra (III/III) — Vuelta a uno de Rocío Molina, música de Yerai Cortés
Teatre Nacional de Catalunya
María Agar Martínez — Directora de escena
Nerea Galán — Concepto
Julia Valencia — Directora artística, escenografía y vestuario
Antonio Serrano — Escenógrafo, iluminador
Javier Álvarez — Director de sonido
Pablo Martin Jones — Diseño sonoro
López de Santos — Vestuarista
Gallardo Dance — Vestuarista
Sobre el programa...
The Trilogía sobre la guitarra is a study in three parts on the guitar and its relationship with the fundamental elements of flamenco. In fact, the three works try to deconstruct the traditional features of the instrument, in order to discover the creative momentum that animates its playing. It is under the sign of authenticity, then, that Rocío Molina links every gesture of her body to the universality of the human experience. In Vuelta a uno, the third part of this immersive journey, Rocío Molina, taken by the guitar notes of Yerai Cortés, synthesizes and goes beyond the steps previously traversed. In fact, as in Inicio (Uno) and Al fondo riela (Lo Otro del Uno) she discovered respectively the ties that make us belong to a whole along with the individuality of every person, in Vuelta a uno she fuses these two perspectives, learning to say “us” instead of “I”. The relationship established by the dance with the music of Yerai Cortés then shows the acceptance of life, of our body, of our limits, to remind us of the joy of existence.