Andris Nelsons dirige Berg y Mahler — Con Augustin Hadelich y Christiane Karg
Salzburg Festival 2023
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The 2023 summer festival season continues! This time, join us at the prestigious Salzburg Festival for a concert by the world-class Vienna Philharmonic under the baton of maestro Andris Nelsons, joined by violin virtuoso Augustin Hadelich and acclaimed soprano Christiane Karg. They perform two uncontested masterpieces: the famous Violin Concerto by Alban Berg, dedicated "to the memory of an angel," a deeply moving work that blends traditional compositional techniques and twelve-tone inspirations, and Mahler's Symphony No. 4 in G major, which has the unique distinction of a scordatura violin solo (with non-standard tuning) that haunts the second movement.
Photo © Suxiao Yang