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Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonata para violín y piano n.° 1 en re mayor, op. 12 n.° 1

Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonata para violín en la mayor, op. 12 n.° 2

Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonata para violín y piano n.° 3 en mi bemol mayor, op. 12 n.° 3

Ludwig van Beethoven, Sonata para violín y piano n.° 4 en la menor, op. 23

Renaud Capuçon y Franck Braley interpretan las Sonatas n.° 1 a 4 de Beethoven

Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux



Renaud Capuçon — Violinista

Frank Braley — Pianista

Sobre el programa...

The violinist Renaud Capuçon and the pianist Frank Braley perform Ludwig van Beethoven's Violin Sonatas No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux. (I/III)

The French violinist Renaud Capuçon and the pianist Frank Braley have been performing together for a long time. Here they gather to perform Beethoven's complete Violin Sonatas. The program of this three concerts follows the chronological order of composition of the Sonatas. It aims to understand the evolution of Beethoven's style.

Renaud Capuçon and Frank Braley perform here Beethoven's first four Violin Sonatas. The first three sonatas he composed were not acclaimed by music critics. Contrary to them, the Violin Sonata No. 4 and No. 5 subtitled "Spring" were described by a music critic of the Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung in 1801 as "the best sonatas composed by Beethoven, which means that they are considered among the best compositions of all times."

Composed in over twenty years, Beethoven's ten Violin Sonatas reflect the importance given to violin during the 18th and the 19th century. Gradually, violin became more independent and inspired more virtuoso compositions, in particular under the influence of Corelli and Vivaldi - and the virtuosity of his violin concertos –, Bach and Mozart. Violin became, like piano, the king of soloist instruments.

Although Beethoven first sonatas give a major role to the piano, the next ones give the same status to both instruments and lead the soloists to share the musical speech.

This concert reflects the wonderful collaboration between Renaud Capuçon and Frank Braley, according to the virtuosity, finesse and elegance both musicians have. The sonatas also express power in their main themes and fragility in their details.

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