Retrato de Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Exposición de litografías en la Royal Academy de Londres
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
Sobre el programa...
A major exhibition of the lithographs of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) at London's Royal Academy is the impetus for a documentary on one of the most colorful figures of Fin de siècle art, famous for his depictions of Parisian cabarets.
Through his artwork, Toulouse-Lautrec chronicled the Belle Epoque and Montmartre's nightclub district in incredible and fascinating detail. The physically handicapped son of aristocrats, Toulouse-Lautrec went on to lead a life of excess similar to those of his contemporary artists, all the while creating art depicting the debauched world of Parisian cabarets and brothels on posters and lithographs. This documentary provides insight into his oeuvre and his life using scenes of life at the Moulin Rouge, archival photography, the exhibition at London's Royal Academy, and interviews with artists, critics, and collectors.