El violinista desconocido de Santa Bárbara
A portrait of violinist Gilles Apap by Bruno Monsaingeon
Gilles Apap — Violinista
François Apap — Fagotista
Hubert Apap — Cornista
Jean-Marc Apap — Violista
Nina Bodnar — Violinista
Chris Judge — Guitarrista
Theo Saunders — Fortepianista
Sobre el programa...
Discover the fascinating violinist Gilles Apap through the lens of the legendary documentarian Bruno Monsaingeon, creator of many of the greatest classical music features ever made. "The first time I heard Gilles Apap play," says Monsaingeon, "I had the extraordinary feeling that the music, a Bartók sonata, had been written just for him. The composer was guiding his hands." Straight away, he decided to turn his celebrated camera on this singular interpreter, little known by the public at large but amply worth discovering, in The Unknown Fiddler of Santa Barbara (1993).
Apap is an artist of striking brilliance whose insatiable zest for life comes out in his music: his playing, spontaneous and ebullient, is also technically faultless (he calls himself "a slave to music"). Throughout his discussions with Monsaingeon, as well as archival footage from concerts, rehearsals, and lessons, you'll love learning more about this luminous, generous musician whose personality and talent know no limits.