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Marek Janowski: Una vida de director de orquesta

Director artístico y musical de la Orquesta de la Suiza Romanda



Marek Janowski — Director

Orquesta de la Suisse Romande

Sobre el programa...

The documentary takes a look at the various steps involved when preparing a concert. What is the conductor’s role? Let’s lend an ear and cast a careful eye over the work of Maestro Marek Janowski, here in the pursuit of excellence to glorify Brahms’ Symphony No. 1.

“Avancez!”. This order, meaning “onward” or “carry on”, is a recurring theme. The Musical Director of the Suisse Romande Orchestra is really trying to infuse the hundred musicians he conducts with the urge to “go toward something”. Through the rehearsals, he reveals how he works with his band, what he expects from them and how he sees his role. “I try to be as efficient as possible from the word go,” he said. In this report, we discover how difficult it is for a conductor to convey the idea of what he wants to hear.

To help musicians grasp the work, he uses images and metaphors. Speaking to the violin section, he asks for a “fragrant tone” and later mentions the idea of “the calm before the storm.” Over the course of the rehearsals, the musicians gradually get closer to what the conductor is looking for and put on a dazzling Victoria Hall show for the audience.

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