Mélodie Zhao — Pianista
Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne
Domingo Hindoyan — Director
Sobre el programa...
Strings by day, decks by night! When chamber music latched on to electronic music, the atmosphere was electrified. When the Lausanne Chamber Orchestra (OCL) met MAD Club it was a very unique experience.
How can we bring fresh ears to the classical repertoire, how can we release it from its elitist straitjacket? The Lausanne Chamber Orchestra asked itself the same question. During the 2008-2009 season, a special “Les noces” evening meant that, for the first time, a bridge could be built between the MAD Club in Lausanne and the OCL. With the evening beginning at the Salle Métropole with classical music concerts in a relaxed atmosphere, the experience continued to MAD Club, with an appearance from with musicians of the OCL.
With this success already under their belts, the two institutions will repeat the experience this autumn with a “Love ” evening. At its heart, the evening will play host to the piano and orchestra Concerto No. 2 by Chopin, written by the composer in memory of a childhood sweetheart and performed by the young Swiss pianist, Melody Zhao, aged 16. By way of a little anecdote, the young artist was granted special permission to see the night through to its finale at MAD, which is normally for over-18s only! Young musicians from the OCL joined forces with DJs to transpose Vivaldi into electronic music. Go behind the scenes of this original musical adventure.