Ezekiel Mccarter — Director musical, cantante de jazz
Jonathan Kirchner — Bajista
Benjamin Andrews — Guitarrista
Patrick Glynn — Pianista
Marcus Stephens — Saxofonista
Brendan Liu — Trompetista
Andrew Laubacher — Baterista
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“Do you want some more brio in your life?” This is the question asked by Ezekiel McCarter, the front-runner of the San Fransiscan soul-funk-rock outfit Con Brio. It is a fitting question – the word brio means “vigour or vivacity of style or performance,” and in music it is a direction that means “with spirit” ... the group brings nothing less. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say that the famous Jazz à Vienne festival has never seen a more dance-inducing show than this.
With influences ranging from Michael Jackson to Marvin Gaye, McCarter formed Con Brio back in 2013. Its motto has been the same since its inception: “Do it like you mean it or don’t do it at all.” Though they are hugely impressive in live shows, the group have only released two full length albums and a handful of EPs. Here, we join them after the release of their debut, Paradise, but they play tracks from all over their repertoire. Highlights include some of the funkiest synth work you are likely to see, a boatload of swing, tight grooves, enduring soul, crowd participation and abundant energy from start to finish. As infectious as it gets.