Living Colour
Corey Glover — Cantante de jazz
Vernon Reid — Guitarrista
Doug Wimbish — Bajista
Will Cahoun — Baterista
Last Poets
Umar Bin Hassan — Rapero
Sobre el programa...
During a concert recorded in Paris in 2010, The Last Poets offer a vibrant tribute to the Black Panthers, accompanied by original compositions by the group Living Colour. The evocative power of their texts is thus enriched by the musical atmosphere created by Living Colour—which has been mixing jazz, rock, funk, and metal since it was founded in the 1980s—in a unique experience that combines music and poetry, instrumental choruses and lyrical texts.
Living Colour was founded in 1984 by guitarist Vernon Reid, who decided to bring together talented musicians such as Will Calhoun, first prize percussionist at the famous Berklee School of Music, and singer Corey Glover, with the aim of breaking down the boundaries between musical genres. This concert is a summary of the richness that results from this decompartmentalization, to which voice-over interviews add fascinating details concerning the highlights of the performance as well as the backgrounds of the different band members.
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