Maceo Parker — Cantante, director musical, Saxofón alto
Ron Tooley — Trompetista
Dennis Rollins — Trombonista
Will Boulware — Tecladista
Bruno Speight — Guitarra eléctrica
Rodney Curtis — Bajista
Jamal Thomas — Baterista
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Alongside trombonist Fred Wesley and saxophonist Pee Wee Ellis, American saxophonist, singer, flautist, and composer Maceo Parker is the architect of the "James Brown Sound" of the 60s as well as a Jazz and Funk legend. Under the name of "JBs", these three musicians joined forces to create one of the greatest brass sections of all time.
His playing style is iconic in the world of African American music, and is characterized by short and rhythmic phrases, complete with a shiny yet smooth sound. In this 2010 concert given during the Jazz à Juan festival in Southern France, the virtuoso, accompanied on stage by The Meters, showcases the vitality and energy that flows in the Funk brand of music invented and magnified by James Brown.