Daniel Yvinec — Director musical
Gil Goldstein — Arreglista
Ève Risser — Pianista, flautista
Vincent Lafont — Tecladista
Antonin-Tri Hoang — Clarinetista bajo, Saxofón alto
Rémi Dumoulin — Clarinetista, clarinetista bajo, saxofón tenor
Matthieu Metzger — Saxofonista, electronics
Sobre el programa...
For this concert at the Paris Jazz Festival, the members of the Orchestre national de jazz perform live the titles from the album Piazzolla: a beautiful experience driven by young musicians including Eve Risser, Antonin-Tri Hoang, Matthieu Metzger, and Sylvain Bardiau—artists at the forefront of the inventiveness of the French jazz scene.
More than a simple, respectful hommage to the great master of Argentinian classical music, this programme, arranged by the brilliant Gil Goldstein, offers an audacious portrait of the exceptional composer where the works of Piazzolla are brilliantly dissected and reinvented in a mythical musical journey...
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