Raphael Jost — Pianista, cantante de jazz
Stefanie Suhner — Cantante de jazz
Lukas Thöni — Trompetista
Christoph Grab — Saxofonista
Raphael Walser — Contrabajista
Jonas Ruther — Baterista
Sobre el programa...
Playing a swinging selection of Christmas classics and originals, pianist and vocalist Raphael Jost hosts “a swinging online Christmas party”. Jost’s Piano playing is full of smooth licks and jazz vocabulary, bringing the heat on the winter-themed Christmas jazz standards. His rich voice, interjecting with funny quips here and there inspire Christmas cheer in the hearts of all present. Joined by Stefanie Suhner on vocals and a band of talented musicians, the group performs favorites such as Let It Snow, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on the well-decorated stage. A welcome addition to the trove of great Christmas jazz out there to enjoy!