Our streaming video catalogue gets you a VIP ticket to see your favorite musicians in live streaming classical music concerts, like Martha Argerich, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Sir Simon Rattle, Yo-Yo Ma, Daniel Barenboim, Yuja Wang, and Daniil Trifonov—plus 24/7 digital access to legendary performances by the likes of Herbert von Karajan, Artur Rubinstein, Maria Callas, and Vladimir Horowitz. Whether you’re looking for piano concertos, violin virtuosos, cello legends, string quartets, or the greatest symphony orchestras, we’ve got you covered with the medici.tv online concert streaming experience, your own private philharmonic with no off-season. Whether you’re a fan of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Dvořák, or Boulez, you can watch the most exciting performers of today and yesterday in live concerts and in concert replays, wherever and whenever you want.


Лучшая в мире коллекция классической музыки: потрясающие выступления в прямом эфире из самых престижных залов мира, а также тысячи концертов, опер, балетов и многое другое в нашем видеокаталоге!

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