
Брамс и Штраус, дирижирует Лахав Шани — С Александром Канторовым, Алисой Вайлерштейн и Михаэлем Баренбоймом

Фестиваль Вербье 2024

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Александр Канторов — Пианист

Алиса Вейлерштайн — Виолончелистка

Михаэль Баренбойм — Альтист

Оркестр Фестиваля Вербье

Лахав Шани — Дирижер

О программе

Celebrated maestro Lahav Shani leads the Verbier Festival Orchestra and world-class soloists in two masterpieces of the Romantic era. Piano virtuoso Alexandre Kantorow opens the concert with Brahms’s Concerto No. 2 in B-flat Major, a monumental four-movement composition enchanting audiences from the opening call of the horn to the orchestral crescendo of the finale. World-class cellist Alisa Weilerstein and violist superstar Michael Barenboim then perform Strauss’s Don Quixote, “Fantastic variations on a theme of chivalric character”—a legendary tone poem based on Cervantes’ eponymous novel.

Alisa Weilerstein appears courtesy of Pentatone.
medici.tv’s studio features and broadcasts from the 2024 Verbier Festival are produced with the support of Madame Aline Foriel-Destezet.

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