
Rencontres Inédites: Кавакос, Шпачек, Те Энгстроем, Майский, Вайлерштейн, Герштейн и Лим исполняют Брамса и Дворжака

Фестиваль Вербье 2024

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Леонидас Кавакос — Скрипач

Йозеф Шпачек — Скрипач

Блит Теэ Энгстрём — Альтистка

Пабло Феррандес — Виолончелист

Алиса Вейлерштайн — Виолончелистка

Кирилл Герштейн — Пианист

Юнчан Лим — Пианист

О программе

In this remarkable concert from the Verbier Festival’s Rencontres Inédites (Unprecedented encounters), top-tier artists join forces in chamber music ensembles to present a program uniting two emblematic Romantic composers: Brahms and Dvořák. Written in 1882, the Piano Trio No. 2 in C Major was created after Brahms had solidified his status as an internationally renowned composer. The notoriously self-critical musician even told his publisher that “you have not yet had such a beautiful trio from me and very likely have not published its equal in the last ten years”. Mentored and supported by Brahms, Dvořák composed his exquisite Piano Quartet No. 2 in E-flat Major in 1889, infusing Classical form and technique with the spirit of his Czech homeland.

Photo © Lisa-Marie Mazzucco
Leonidas Kavakos and Pablo Ferrández appear courtesy of Sony Classical. Yunchan Lim appears courtesy of Decca Classics. Alisa Weilerstein appears courtesy of Pentatone.
medici.tv’s studio features and broadcasts from the 2024 Verbier Festival are produced with the support of Madame Aline Foriel-Destezet.

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