Документальный фильм

Джон Нельсон дирижирует Гайдна в Наардене: документальный фильм

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Хор Нидерландского радио

Камерный филармонический оркестр Нидерландского радио

Джон Нельсон — Дирижёр

Лиза Милн — Сопрано

Вернер Гюра — Тенор

Мэттью Роуз — Баритон

Люси Кроу — Сопрано

Джонатан Байер — Тенор

О программе

Die Schöpfung – in English, The Creation, is Haydn's timeless masterpiece, written and sung in German. Its theme is the creation of the universe. It is based upon the Bible's Genese, and John Milton's epic poem The Lost Paradise. Haydn is 60 years old when he starts composing this sacred oratorio: he will be absorbed by this work for a year and a half. His source of inspiration and motivation, he says, is Haendel's Messia.

The Creation was performed in June 2010 in the church of a little town in the Netherlands: Naarden. John Nelson conducts the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic, accompanied by the Radio Kamer Choir, and some famous soloists: Lisa Milne, Werner Güra, Matthew Rose, Lucy Crowe, and Jonathan Beyer.


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