Документальный фильм

«Спектр танца» и другие фильмы Доминика Делуша

Архивы Доминика Делуша

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Нина Вырубова — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Аттилио Лабис — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Элизабет Платель — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Патрик Дюпон — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Иветт Шовире — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Доминик Халфуни — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Гилен Тесмар — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Микаэль Денар — Principal dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Янник Стефан — Fist dancer at the Paris Opera Ballet

Майя Плисецкая — Prima Ballerina Assoluta of the Bolshoi

Серж Лифарь — Хореограф

Розелла Хайтауэр

Джон Ноймайер — Хореограф

О программе

Seven documentaries produced by Dominique Delouche, with Maya Plisetskaya and the Principal Dancers at the Paris Opera Ballet.

Dominique Delouche is an uncommon and extraordinary movie director. Though he made his debut in the film industry as an assistant of Federico Fellini (on Il Bidone, Nights of Cabiria and La Dolce Vita) and then produced his own feature films, including L'Homme de désir (First Prize at the Max Ophüls Festival in 1971), Dominique Delouche dedicated most of his career to the choreographic world with the aim to grasp the essence of dance and hand it down to the next generations.

This exceptional program brings together seven documentaries produced between 1959 and 1984, combining rehearsal sessions and live performances: Le Spectre de la danse with Nina Vyroubova and choreographer Serge Lifar, L'Adage with the same Nina Vyroubova accompanied by Attilio Labis, Aurore, in which Élisabeth Platel receives advice from Rosella Hightower, Pas à pas, a duet between Patrick Dupond and John Neumeier, Le Cygne with Yvette Chauviré and Dominique Khalfouni, Autour de la Sylphide, choreographed by Pierre Lacotte with Ghislaine Thesmar, Michaël Denard and Yannick Stephant, and finally Leçon de Ténèbres, a superb choreographic moment in the company of the Bolshoi's prima ballerina assoluta, Maïa Plissetskaïa.


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