
«Уроки любви и жестокости» Джорджа Бенджамина

Джордж Бенджамин (музыка), Мартин Кримп (либретто) — Со Стефаном Дегу (Король), Барбарой Ханниган (Изабелла), Дьюлой Орендт (Гавестон/Странник)...

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Мартин Кримп — Либретто

Кэти Митчелл — Режиссёр-постановщик

Вики Мортимер — Декорации и костюмы

Джеймс Фарнкомб — Художник по свету

Joseph Alford — Постановщик сценического движения

Стефан Дегу — Король

Барбара Ханниган — Изабель

Гюла Орендт — Гавестон/Странник

Питер Хор — Мортимер

Samuel Boden — Мальчик/Молодой король

Jennifer France — Свидетель 1/Певица 1/Женщина 1

Кристина Сабо — Свидетель 2/Певица 2/Женщина 2

Андри Бьорн-Робертссон — Свидетель 3/Безумец

Оркестр Королевского оперного театра Ковент-Гарден

О программе

The Royal Opera House presents the world premiere of Sir George Benjamin and British playwright Martin Crimp's new opera, Lessons in Love and Violence, with the composer himself at the podium! The production brings together soprano Barbara Hannigan, stage director Katie Mitchell, and designer Vicki Mortimer, reprising the creative team of their wildly successful 2012 Written on Skin that was hailed as "truly a 21st-century masterpiece" (The Times).

Commissioned by six institutions from five different countries, Lessons in Love and Violence draws on Elizabethan theater's quick scene changes and complex characters to ask very contemporary questions about the interactions of political power and familial love. The story explores the difficult choices of a king (played by French baritone Stéphane Degout) who must reconcile the political power he holds with his love for his family. His decisions throw his country into civil war, turning his wife and advisor against him and prompting his son to take action...

Photo: © Royal Opera House / Stephen Cummiskey

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