
Stockhausen's Freitag aus Licht

Silvia Costa (stage director), Maxime Pascal (conductor) – With Jenny Daviet (Eva), Antoin Herrera-López Kessel (Ludon), Iris Zerdoud (Elu)...

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Silvia Costa — Режиссёр-постановщик, сценография

Бернд Пуркрабек — Художник по свету

Bianca Deigner — Костюмы

Флоран Дерекс — Sound

Augustin Muller — Звукорежиссер

Etienne Démoulin — Звукорежиссер

Elena Zamparutti — Ассистент сценографиста

Domitile Guinchard — Ассистент художника по костюмам

Alain Muller — Учитель пения

Istvan Zimmermann — Automation developer

Giovanna Amoroso — Automation developer

Paolo Cavagnolo — Developer of automation

Jenny Daviet — Eva

Antoin Herrera-López Kessel — Ludon

Iris Zerdoud — Elu

Charlotte Bletton — Lufa

Halidou Nombre — Kaino

О программе

Contrary to popular belief, the most monumental opera cycle in music history is not Wagner's famed Ring, but the Licht ("Light") series by Karlheinz Stockhausen, who dedicated 30 years of his life to it! On the stage of the Lille Opera, Le Balcon ensemble conducted by Maxime Pascal offers its epic interpretation of the fifth part of the saga, in a production by Silvia Costa. Freitag aus Licht will have you witness the deadly confrontation between Eve and Lucifer. Will light vanquish its foe, or will darkness prevail?

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