Сюита № 5 Баха в до миноре имеет гораздо более французский характер, чем другие пять пьес в сюите (которые ближе к итальянскому стилю), с её торжественной и медленной Люллианской увертюрой и живой финальной жигой. Однако наиболее отличительной чертой этого произведения является то, что оно написано для виолончели с скордаторой (т.е. настроенной иначе, чем обычно), в манере барочной лютни. Фактически, единственная сохранившаяся автографическая партитура этого произведения предназначена именно для этого знакового инструмента барочной музыки.

Просмотреть записи Сюита для виолончели соло № 5 до минор, BWV 1011

Enjoy Bach's Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011 streaming on medici.tv!

Whether you want to listen to Bach's Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 live, in replay, or on-demand, medici.tv is the ultimate online platform that offers you a VIP seat to the most beautiful concerts featuring world-renowned artists, all in HD! On medici.tv, you will find some of the best interpretations of Bach's compositions, including the Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011, as well as the Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor, BWV 1043 or the St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244, to be enjoyed whenever and wherever you want! 

medici.tv guarantees your front-row experience in the most magnificent concert halls for listening to Bach's Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011

Some of our programs are available for free after a simple registration and by subscribing, you gain access to our complete catalog, which includes numerous works by Bach, notably his Suite for Solo Cello No. 5. From the comfort of your living room, indulge in live events directly streamed from the world's most prestigious opera houses. Our content is available through live broadcasts, replays, and video on demand, accessible from your phone via our website or iOS app, as well as on larger screens through AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! Enjoy some of the best interpretations of Bach's Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011: on medici.tv, artists such as Yo-Yo MaJordi Savall, and Daniel Lozakovich showcase their artistry in performing J.S. Bach's most beautiful works! From the Verbier Festival to Wittemberg, the finest classical music concerts are just one click away! 

The greatest artists perform Bach's Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011 on medici.tv, the premier platform for streaming classical music 

Bach's Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 is considered an essential classic in the modern cello repertoire, and it's no surprise that it has inspired the creation of other suites, starting with Eugène Ysaÿe's Suite of Six Sonatas for Solo Violin, Op. 27. Among Bach's six suites, the Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011, stands out with its distinct French character and its writing for the cello with scordatura, in the style of a Baroque lute—an instrument for which the piece's only autograph score is intended. This particular tuning gives the cello a unique timbre, with the high G string resonating alongside the low G and C strings. Join medici.tv to discover Bach's Suite for Solo Cello No. 5 in C Minor, BWV 1011, and explore his other compositions, such as the Suite for Solo Cello No. 3 in C Major, BWV 1009 or the Italian Concerto in F Major, BWV 971!