Романтический композитор Гектор Берлиоз, обсуждая Allegretto из Симфонии № 7 Бетховена, процитировал английского поэта лорда Байрона: «Одна роковая память — на печаль, что бросает/свой мрачный оттенок как на наши радости, так и на наши беды —» Очарованный загадочностью и сатурнианским настроением второй части, он добавил: «Но появляется луч надежды: за этими душераздирающими звуками следует прозрачная мелодия, чистая, простая, нежная, грустная и смиренная, как терпение, улыбающееся страданию.» Симфония № 7, являясь краеугольным камнем симфонического репертуара, знаменита своим быстрым ритмом, который размывает границы между основными и второстепенными темами. Сложная каноническая структура, кажется, рушится под звуком воинственного оркестра. Между почти шепчущими пианиссимо и некоторыми титаническими крещендо, 7-я симфония передает все краски личности своего автора. Не случайно сам Бетховен заявил, что это «одно из его лучших произведений!»

Просмотреть записи Симфония № 7 ля мажор, Op. 92

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Unleash the power of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92 on medici.tv 

medici.tv is the best online platform for live streaming Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92, offering you a VIP ticket to the most famous productions with world-class artists captured in the best audio quality and HD video! A cornerstone of the symphonic repertoire, Beethoven’s 7th is composed of four deeply provocative movements, each with its own character. According to the composer himself, the 2nd movement in particular, Allegretto, is “one of his best works.” Rediscover Beethoven’s eternal masterpieces, including his Symphony No. 7, Op. 92, streaming on medici.tv whenever you want: in any place and at any time!

A seat at the greatest music venues to watch Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92 streaming on medici.tv

A selection of our live streamed performances of Beethoven’s 7th Symphony are available for free to all registered users, and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription. Our live video events stream right to your living room from the most famous concert halls, and you can watch them on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app! Watch one of the most celebrated Beethoven symphonies, the Seventh Symphony, performed by some of the best orchestras in the world, conducted by classical music’s most brilliant directors, such as Herbert von Karajan, Claudio Abbado, and Klaus Mäkelä.

The greatest artists playing Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92 on your #1 classical music streaming channel

Wagner commented on Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in his essay The Artwork of the Future, and his words made history: “The symphony is the apotheosis of the dance itself: it is dance in its highest aspect, the loftiest deed of bodily motion, incorporated into an ideal mold of tone. Beethoven in his works put the body in music, merging body and spirit.” Although his judgment comes under Romantic influences, there is some truth in it, since Symphony No. 7 is a paroxysm of rhythmic and melodic development. While some have found some echoes of popular Hungarian and Slavic music in this titanic sound architecture, the main inspiration of the 7th must be traced to the political situation of Beethoven’s time. Its ardor comes from the most animated patriotic feelings towards the war between Austria and the hated Napoleon I, the French Emperor. Come hear this cry for eternal freedom, played by some exceptional interpreters, on your favorite streaming platform, medici.tv!