Сублимный Скрипичный концерт Бетховена ре мажор был впервые исполнен в Вене в 1806 году. Однако из-за отсутствия виртуозности и того факта, что во время премьеры он был перемежен композициями солиста, произведение не сразу достигло успеха, которым оно пользуется сегодня. Написанное в очень счастливый период жизни Бетховена, это произведение излучает свет и радость. Диалог между оркестром и солирующим инструментом переполнен радостью и любовью. Откройте для себя этот шедевр в исполнении легендарных артистов, таких как Леонид Коган с Национальным оркестром ORTF и Анне-Софи Муттер с Берлинским филармоническим оркестром под управлением Герберта фон Караяна.
Просмотреть записи Концерт для скрипки с оркестром ре мажор, Op. 61
Listen to Beethoven's radiant Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61, streaming on medici.tv!
To enjoy the Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61 by Beethoven live, replay, or on-demand, medici.tv is the best online platform, offering you a VIP seat to the most beautiful concerts featuring world-renowned artists, all in HD! Beethoven's Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61 is one of the composer's rare violin concertos. Composed during a very happy period in his life, it is a luminous score brimming with love. Listen to it streaming on medici.tv!
medici.tv is your front-row seat to the most beautiful concert halls to listen to Beethoven's Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61
Some of our programs are available for free after a simple registration on the website and all you need to do is subscribe to enjoy our complete catalog, which naturally includes the German composer Beethoven and his Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61. Our content is available for live streaming, replay, and on-demand, accessible from your phone through our website or iOS application, as well as on your larger screens through AirPlay, Chromecast, and now Roku! You will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy streaming the most beautiful compositions by Beethoven, including his Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61, performed by some of the world's finest soloists: Valeriy Sokolov, Itzhak Perlman, Anne-Sophie Mutter, and many more!
The greatest artists perform Beethoven's Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61 on medici.tv, the best platform for classical music streaming
Beethoven's Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61 premiered on December 23, 1806 in Vienna, by the violinist Franz Clement. When Beethoven composed his Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61, he was going through a very happy period in his life. In fact, according to some experts, the writing of the Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61 occurred just after Beethoven's secret engagement to Countess Therese Brunswick...Whatever the case may be, Beethoven delivers a radiant work full of poetry and love. Although the role of the violin is more limited compared to other violin works of the time, this concerto allows the performer to demonstrate their artistic sensitivity. Moreover, all the greatest violinists have performed Beethoven's Concerto for Violin in D Major, Op. 61! On medici.tv, you will find some superb interpretations of this score, available for streaming wherever and whenever you want!