Некоторые произведения, такие как Шумана «Детские сцены», стремятся вызвать нежные воспоминания о детстве. Другие же специально созданы для самых юных слушателей, чтобы разжечь их неутолимое любопытство и пробудить воображение: Сен-Санса «Карнавал животных», симфоническая сказка Прокофьева «Петя и волк» и Бенджамина Бриттена «Путеводитель по оркестру для юных слушателей» приходят на ум. Это последнее произведение имеет благородную цель — познакомить слушателей с самого раннего возраста с различными звуками инструментов, составляющих оркестр. Заказанное для документального фильма Мьюира Мэтисона «Инструменты оркестра» (1946), произведение Бриттена быстро завоевало сердца как молодых, так и взрослых, став одним из его самых известных и любимых произведений!

Просмотреть записи «Путеводитель по оркестру для юных слушателей», Op. 34

Enjoy Benjamin Britten's orchestral work The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Op. 34 streaming on medici.tv! 

Benjamin Britten's The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra is an emblematic orchestral piece of the 20th century. This masterful composition, also known as Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell, aims to introduce young people and music lovers from across the globe to the world of classical music. Thanks to medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform, this exceptional work is now accessible to everyone in streaming, live, or on-demand (VOD).

medici.tv, your front-row seat to the most beautiful concert halls to listen to The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Op. 34 by Britten 

medici.tv is renowned for its commitment to broadcasting the most captivating concerts and musical performances. With this streaming platform, music enthusiasts can enjoy classical music concerts, including orchestral works, without any geographical limits. The accessibility offered by medici.tv allows everyone to discover and appreciate the masterpieces of the classical repertoire, such as The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra. Don't miss the opportunity to discover Benjamin Britten's The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra on medici.tv: this finely crafted orchestral work is a perfect introduction to classical music for young people and a source of enrichment for music lovers of all ages. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of orchestral music and be enchanted by the captivating variations in this exceptional composition!

The greatest artists perform The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, Op. 34 by Britten on medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform 

Renowned English composer Benjamin Britten created this unique orchestral work to present each section of the orchestra in a distinct way. Through a series of brilliant variations, he highlights the different sounds and techniques of the instruments, allowing listeners to develop a deep understanding of the orchestra. The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra is not only a captivating piece but also a valuable resource for music education: it allows young people to discover the different families of instruments and appreciate the richness of orchestral music. Thanks to medici.tv, educators and students have the opportunity to explore this educational work and put it into practice in their musical learning. medici.tv offers much more than just streaming concerts: the platform also features fascinating documentaries about composers and their works. It's the perfect opportunity to delve into Benjamin Britten's world, which includes The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, and deepen one's knowledge of this visionary composer!