Сюита Бергамаск является одной из самых известных фортепианных сюит Клода Дебюсси. Первая версия этого произведения—начатая около 1890 года—была опубликована в 1891 году, но автор продолжал перерабатывать её до 1905 года. На самом деле, в первые месяцы 1890 года, после неудачи его Фантазии, Дебюсси оказался в сложной экономической ситуации. Он начал писать свои сольные фортепианные произведения—более прибыльные, чем его симфонии—чтобы продавать их в виде книг через Frères Choudens. Они включают в себя множество различных музыкальных жанров: некоторые Тарантеллы, некоторые Мазурки, романтический Вальс, Балладу, Шотландский марш, Рêverie. Сюита Бергамаск, с другой стороны, была исключена из коллекции, потому что это было плохим бизнесом из-за её необычного характера. Она увидела свет 15 лет спустя, в своей окончательной форме, в четырёх частях: Prélude, Menuet, Clair de lune и Passepied. Она была опубликована в 1905 году издательством Fromont.
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Stream Debussy’s Suite bergamasque on medici.tv!
medici.tv is the best online platform for streaming Debussy’s Suite bergamasque live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual ticket to the most exciting concerts with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. When Debussy tried to publish it, the work was rejected multiple times. And yet, the Suite bergamasque has become one of the most appreciated and renowned works by Claude Debussy. Its Clair de lune has been picked up by many film soundtracks, from And the Ship Sails On (1983) by Federico Fellini to Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022). On medici.tv, you can experience the best interpretations of the Suite bergamasque played in the best concert halls of the world, from Beauvais to Berlin.
A seat at the best venues to discover Debussy’s Suite bergamasque streaming on medici.tv
A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription. Live videos, replays or VOD stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, and you can watch our operas on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app! Enjoy the best works by Debussy, including the Suite bergamasque, but also La Mer and his Préludes, Book I and Book II, played by some of the best pianists in the world, such as Khatia Buniatishvili and Maria João Pires. Enjoy the finest interpretations on medici.tv!
The greatest artists of our time perform Debussy’s Suite bergamasque on medici.tv, your #1 classical streaming platform
The third movement of Debussy’s Suite bergamasque is a sort of play within a play inside of the composition. This greatly oniric miniature, divided between Romanticism and Impressionism, is known under the name of Clair de lune, in D-flat Minor. The title is inspired by the eponymous poem by the French writer Paul Verlaine, which starts with these lines: “Your soul is a chosen landscape/Where charming masked and costumed figures go” (“Votre âme est un paysage choisi/Que vont charmant masques et bergamasques”). The Clair de lune starts with an almost evanescent pianissimo that gradually intensifies, exploring an upper register, and dies in a ppp accompanied by light and floating arpeggios. On medici.tv, you can find some of the best artists of our time interpret the Suite bergamasque, and as Verlaine wrote in the verse that inspired Debussy: “leur chanson se mêle au clair de lune” (“their song mingles with the moonlight”)!