Балет Мариуса Петипа' Дон Кихот, с музыкой Лéона Минкуса, впервые был представлен в Москве 14 декабря 1869 года. С тех пор это легендарное произведение было переосмыслено многочисленными хореографами, включая Александра Горского, великого реформатора русского балета! Именно эту версию вы можете найти на этой странице. Знаменитый балет рассказывает о приключениях знаменитого героя Сервантеса, а также о любовных делах двух новых персонажей: Китри и Базиля. Откройте для себя этот шедевр балета на medici.tv полностью в современных постановках, а также в некоторых отрывках из двух великолепных архивных фильмов...

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Enjoy Alexander Gorsky’s ballet Don Quichotte after Petipa with music by Minkus, streaming on medici.tv!

medici.tv is the best online platform for streaming Alexander Gorsky’s ballet Don Quichotte after Petipa with music by Minkus live, on replay or VOD, offering you a virtual VIP ticket to the most exciting productions with the world’s best artists and orchestras captured in HD video. Alexander Gorsky’s Don Quichotte after Petipa reinterprets the plot of Cervantes’ novel Don Quichotte and blends it with the adventures of a young couple, Kitri and Basil. With music by Ludwig Minkus, our heroes revel in movements inspired by Spanish folk music. Don Quichotte is a well-known ballet and several artists of the Paris Opera have been named Étoiles following its performance: Aurélie Dupont, Mathieu Ganio, and Valentine Colasant, to name just a few.

A seat at the best venues to listen to Alexander Gorsky’s ballet Don Quichotte after Petipa with music by Minkus

A selection of our programs is available for free for all registered users and the rest can be unlocked with a subscription. Live videos, replays or VOD stream right to your living room from the most renowned concert halls in the world, including Alexander Gorsky’s ballet Don Quichotte after Petipa with music by Minkus, and you can watch our ballets on your biggest screens with AirPlay, Chromecast, and our new Roku app. No matter where you are, you’ll be able to discover the best performances of Alexander Gorsky's ballet Don Quichotte, after the choreography of Marius Petipa, performed by the most renowned dancers and talented soloists, including Maya Plisetskaya and Galina Ulanova! 

The greatest artists of our time perform Alexander Gorsky’s Don Quichotte after Petipa with music by Minkus on medici.tv, the best classical streaming platform 

Marius Petipa’s ballet Don Quichotte, with music by Ludwig Minkus, premiered on December 14 1869 in Moscow. In 1900, the choreographer Alexander Gorsky set about creating his own version. A great reformer of ballet, he skilfully reworked the choreography imagined by Petipa for his Don Quichotte, as he did for other ballets including Swan Lake and Giselle. In Don Quichotte, he even added new passages into Petipa’s version. Petipa’s Don Quichotte inspired Alexander Gorsky, but also Rudolf Nureyev at a later stage! One constant remains: the legendary music of Ludwig Minkus…Rediscover Don Quichotte, the mastpierece of Alexander Gorsky after Marius Petipa, with music by Ludwig Minkus, on medici.tv!