Шедевр Доницетти, Лючия ди Ламмермур, исследует вечную тему семейного соперничества. Действие происходит в Шотландии, недалеко от Ламмермура. Лючия Эштон романтически связана с заклятым врагом своего брата Энрико, Эдгардо, последним выжившим членом семьи Равенсвудов, давних соперников Эштонов... Энрико манипулирует своей сестрой, чтобы она вышла замуж за богатого Артуро, и в приступе ярости Эдгардо проклинает Лючию, что приводит её к безумию и в конечном итоге к убийству своего мужа перед собственной гибелью. Таинственная и туманная атмосфера Шотландии XVI века способствует мрачной атмосфере оперы, достигая своего пика в знаменитой сцене безумия Лючии. Важно отметить, что существует две версии этой оперы: оригинальная итальянская версия и французский перевод. На этой странице мы предлагаем вам возможность открыть (или заново открыть) оригинальную версию с субтитрами, конечно!
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Watch Gaetano Donizetti's opera Lucia di Lammermoor streaming on medici.tv
Lucia di Lammermoor by Gaetano Donizetti is an essential opera in the lyrical repertoire. Composed in 1835, this tragic opera achieved great success from its premiere in Naples, captivating audiences worldwide. Thanks to medici.tv, the premier classical music streaming platform, music lovers from around the globe can now listen to and discover this iconic work—performed by renowned artists such as Lisette Oropesa and many others—from the comfort of their living rooms! Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti will enthrall you with its tragic plot and poignant music: based on Walter Scott's novel, the story unfolds in Scotland and revolves around tormented characters including Lucia, Edgardo, and Raimondo. There are two versions of the opera: Lucia di Lammermoor, the original Italian version, and Lucie de Lammermoor, the French adaptation created a few years later in 1839 in Paris. Filled with lyrical melodies, virtuosic arias, and moments of intense drama, we guarantee that Lucia di Lammermoor will provide a captivating musical experience, whether you are a novice or an expert in the genre!
medici.tv, your front-row seat to watch the most beautiful operas, including Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti
Through medici.tv, opera enthusiasts can access a wide selection of operas, including Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti, performed by some of the world's best artists. This classical music streaming platform offers recordings of premieres and memorable performances, allowing music lovers to explore different productions and interpretations of this opera. What are you waiting for? Immerse yourself in the tragic world of Lucia di Lammermoor and other operas by Gaetano Donizetti! Some of the content on medici.tv is accessible for free, and all you need to do is subscribe to enjoy our complete video-on-demand catalog and attend our stunning live events, uninterrupted and on all your screens.
The greatest artists perform Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti on medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform
In conclusion, Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti is an essential opera that captivates music lovers worldwide. Through medici.tv, the best classical music streaming platform, you can listen to and discover this work performed by talented artists like Lisette Oropesa and many others. Whether you are a novice or an expert, Lucia di Lammermoor will transport you to a tragic world filled with passion and emotion. Join us and don't miss the opportunity to explore this exceptional opera and have an unforgettable musical experience with medici.tv, the best classical music streaming service!